Sunday 3 January 2010

DJ Vengeance Documentary

Over last November and December I was given a college assignment which said i needed to make a 3 minute documentary (I wanted to do it properly by going out into the big wide world and finding someone sucessful to interview as opposed to just doing a family member like most people in my class).
So I logged onto Myspace in search of a Drum & Bass artist who I could make a 3 minute documentary on.... after contacting a few artists I finally got a positive reply from a local drum and bass artist called Dj Vengeance and I took it from there...

This is what i came up with.... all of this is MY work and it is currently on his record label's Youtube account:

For more info on Dj Venjeance see: http:\\\.

2010 A New Year

Its 2010 !!!
Happy New Year People.

Sooo, a new year starts... and for me it starts off pretty rushed and tense as I frantically try and put together a showreel and portfolio for my University Interviews (So far I have 4).
Hopefully I will get some matches on Uni places with my girlfriend so that we can spend our time at Uni together...
On the 1st of Febuary me and my girlfriend will have been together for a year which i'm very proud of :) (She must be mad).

There really is just soo much to look forwards too this year.... Meand my girlfriends 1 years :), Uni Interviews, getting my college grades, moving to a university, figuring out how me and Bryony will see each other..... 2010 is going to be an eventfull year, I can tell.

But for now I shall not worry, I shall just look forwards to the year to come.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Exams & Moving and shizzle !

So ! … my first blog entry ever, If your reading this you must be VERY bored !
I have never really been good writing stuff, especially if it is about myself but well
here goes I guess.

You could say I’m a very happy guy rite now and there is a lot going on in my life at the minute, I have the most amazing girlfriend who I love to bits.

And today I got a phone call saying that I have got a job, I’m going up on Thursday to hand in my certificate etc ! So that’s good… More money for the summer and for the holiday coming up :D

Things are pretty chaotic all round at the minute as I’m moving house, stressed and tense is the way to describe my house at the moment, with only 4 days before we are leaving Mum is frantically packing every second of the day never switching off, and well I still have a considerable amount to do !

My girlfriend and many of my friends at college are currently in the middle of their exams at the minute and well I find myself being appreciative of not having to do an exam on my BTEC course, I think of all those people all around England rite now who will be in the exam room…. They’ll open the page and there faces will drop! A year of their life potentially wasted I feel for those people but at the same time i'm happy its not me, Anyone who has an exam coming up I wish you good luck.

I'm not sure how often I will update my blog but I sure will have plenty to talk about with all of the stuff coming up in my life.

Anyways this has been my blog (Short as it may be) and the word blog sounds stupid by the way…. I bid you far well my chickens ! !